We're absolutely
delighted that
is consistently #1 on Google
and #1 on Yahoo for inquiries about Ira Gollobin.
We thank all those who
have visited us and learned the secret truth about this man
r a G o l l o b i n ' s
L e g a c y *
Gollobin, New York immigration lawyer and self-published author of
Dialectical Materialism, died on April 4th,
are other places you can read about
Ira Gollobin, the Lawyer.
That's fair enough; Ira Gollobin arguably did a lot of good
for a lot
of people and should be remembered for that.
Here there is a different
purpose - to tell a truth very few people know. It's
about Ira Gollobin as a family
man. It is a story that needs to be
told so that "the Myth does not
replace the
Man . . . "
this story is as much a part of Ira Gollobin's legacy
as any of the good Ira Gollobin did in his professional life.
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